
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Let's talk Anchor Charts!

One of the big things I've been doing in my room the past 2 years is using anchor charts.  I must admit I never used anchors until I moved to 3rd grade.  It was my fabulous co-teacher Stephanie who persuaded me to ditch the store bought and get creative.  She was the one that showed me the light.  (AAAAAHHHH, angel's singing)

So now with every new skill we introduce the kids and I create an anchor.  My room is now plastered with posters of all the things we have learned so far this year.  If you haven't tried anchors yet in your room you should give it a go.  It really helps the kids "anchor"  their learning.  When I would post my store bought products around my room the kids would never read them.  They just became fancy decorations.  I don't see that anymore with our class anchor charts.  Our kids are constantly referring to our anchors everyday and its so cool to see them making the connections.  

Now I do get some criticism for my obsession with things being pretty and not letting the kids write one them, but in my defense we do create them together and I let them color them.  Okay when I say on here it looks pretty bad, but they do the trick. 

So in honor of my anchor obsession I will post my weekly anchors on Fridays. ( I'm sure I'll come up with a catchy name for it later.)  I hope that you will find my examples helpful.  I find alot of my stuff on Pintrest and then I make it my own.  Here are a few of my anchors from this year. 

Do you use anchors in your classroom?  How do they work for you?  

"If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take." - Alice in Wonderland

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