
Monday, March 25, 2013

Measuring Capacity in the Real World

I can't wait to get back to school and use my new measurement packet on Teachers Pay Teachers!  Okay that's not 100% true, but I am really excited to do this activity next week.  

I recently received my informal observation from my Principal and she came in to see my Area and Perimeter Zoo.  

She gave me high praise for always making my lesson real life and relevant.  She said I always draw the kids in with my lessons and she was really impressed!  Oh buddy was my head bigger than hot air balloon by the time I left that meeting!  But she does have a point.  My partner in crime (my co-teacher Stephanie) and I do spend time thinking of way to make learning relevant.  I always try to tell my students when they might actually use the skill I'm about to teach them.  My philosophy is what's the point in  learning something if I'm never going to be able to use it.

So when my math cohorts and I sat down to plan our capacity unit my wheels began to spin.  I kept thinking of when we ever actually use milliliters.  I mean liters is easy every time you go to buy a 2 liter drink you use liters, but everyday people don't really measure in liters.  Then I began thinking of my daughter and how I give her medicine in the droppers.  That was it!  I'll have all my kids pretend to be parents!  

Yea like that's relate able to a nine year old. I'm thinking some of my boys would have rolled quite a few eyes at me.  

So instead I thought about the 4 years I spent as a Vet Tech to get me through college.  Kids love animals so why not make them Veterinary Technicians!!  This Animal Hospital packet has got it ALL.  I'm planning on working this packet in stations.  

Station 1:  The milliliters and liters measurement game. Students will play the game to test their knowledge of what we measure in milliliters and what we measure in liters. 

Station 2:  Welcome to the Animal Hospital.  Students will use the patient chart and information cards to give medicine to the puppies and kittens.  Cute right?  I've been saving my Vitamin Water bottles for a week so I could make some for my self and my cohorts.  

Station 3:  Will be where the students come to write about their experiences.  I have included an article with real life facts about what it takes to be a Vet Tech.  Using my new best friend the OREO (state your opinion, support it with reasons and evidence, restate your opinion)  my kids will write a paper on this precious paper to tell me whether or not they would want to become a Vet Tech when they grow up.  

This activity will give me a grade for math and writing.  How cool is that!? Plus I will get a snazzy Bulletin Board display out of it as well.

I will be teaching this lesson next Wednesday so I can't wait to share pictures with you guys.  Head on over to Teachers Pay Teachers to get a copy!   
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Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Favorite Nouns

I'm linking up with Flying into First Grade again for her

Ok for the new linky this week we are doing................................

The NOUN Game
The noun game is where you simply just name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal.
Heres mine.....
My favorite person is my daughter, Katie Ann.  She is an amazing little girl.  Watching her learn and grow each day is the most wonderful experience. Right now her favorite song to sing is the "Pinky, Pinky, Pinky" song which is actually "Skina-ma-rinky Dinky Dink".   
My favorite place in the world is anywhere where we are having a good time.  I like to be in the woods, in a boat, or at a nice restaurant eating good food and having a couple of drinks.  If friends and family or involved I'm there. 


Out of all the things I have I would say my art supplies are my most favorite.  I have doodle ADD.  I can sit still, but my hands have to be doing something.  My notes from our facutly meetings are covered in doodles.  My Principal is allowing staring and smiling at me.  I told her I self diagnosed with doodle ADD.  I have numerous journals with doodles and drawings.  My newest facination is with fonts.  My pinterest journal board is full of things I'm trying to recreate.  

My favorite animals are my own.  I do have a thing for owls, but as far as real animals I love my 2 boxers and our cat.  They may be a pain in the neck some days, but they are always there to love me when I'm down.  Taffy and Kane are our boxers and Buttons is our cat. 

Well there you are.  Head on over to Flying into First Grade to link up and share you favorite nouns. 

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2 truths and a lie revealed!

Thanks to everyone who commented on my 2 truths and a lie.  The winner is...... I'm not from the UK, but I wish I was.  I love nothing more than to curl up in front of the tv and watch my BBC Netflix shows.  From Doctor Who, The IT Crowd, and Little Britain I just can't seem to get enough of the accents and the slang.  I hope to visit there one day.

 I do have 4 tattoos.  I have one on my wrist, one on my shoulder, one on the inside of my foot, and one on my neck. 

My husband and I have been together since we were in high school.  He's been with through it all and I love him more everyday.  

Hope everyone is have a restful weekend.  I'm looking forward to not having to get up for work tomorrow morning.  
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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

Hello to all my new followers!  I'm so excited to know I'm not blogging to the air.  I hope you find what I share on my blog both entertaining and valuable to use in your classroom. 
Please excuse my blogging mess.  I'm in the process of doing some spring cleaning!  I have the week off and I'm working on my blog.  Its my newest addiction.  Do you guys have any cool blogging tips or tricks you would like to share?

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Some Bunny Loves Putting Words in My Mouth!

Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge is hosting a bunny blog love fest.  How cool is it to let others know you like what their putting out into the blogsphere. 

I just had to join in to share my amazing friends blog, Putting Words in Your Mouth by Mia. 
Mia and I work together and she was the reason I got into blogging and making my own stuff on Teachers Pay Teachers.  She is full of creative ideas to use in the classroom.  I love everything about Mrs. Mia.  She is an amazing teacher and friend.  You have to go check out her blog.  She is one creative cookie!!
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2 Truths and a LIE! My first linky party with Flying into First.

I've been blogging for a month or two now and receiving lots of hits, but no followers =(.  So I decided to try and join in on linky parties to get some more viewers and possibly a few followers.  

Over at Flying into First she decided to have some fun with 2 truths and a lie.  

I will tell you 2 things that are true about me and 1 lie.  In the comment section below, tell me which one you think is the lie.  

             1. I am originally from the UK.
             2. I have 4 tattoos.  
          3.  I  have been with my husband for 13 years.          (We've been married for 5)

post signatureI would love to hear what you think!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How tall, how high, how wide: Measuring Length

Our 3rd grades have been hard at work measuring length.  Our state is in a common core limbo right now so our kids still have to know how to use all of the customary and metric systems.  We started off the week measuring in inches.  Last year it was a bit of a challenge to get my 3rd graders to measure in quarter inches, but this year it was super easy.  I think it is because with the new shift to the core we had to teach fractions on a number line. 

As with all of my lessons, I started off with an anchor and notes in our interactive notebooks. (Picture coming tomorrow) 

After the students got a grasp on how to read the ruler we played my Scoot! game.  The kids loved it even though its really just a worksheet cut up into problems.  Hey! Let them move and its magical! You can grab your copy from my Teachers Pay Teachers store. 

During day 3 of our unit we started measuring in inches and plotting on a line plot.  To make this lesson fun I created a Monster Math Measurement packet. The kids loved all the different monster designs.  I posted the monsters around the room and had a small group walk around and measure them.  They recorded their measurements on their monster math tracker sheets.  I then had them get together with a group and compare their measurements.  I always try to get my kids to hold those educational conversations and help each other out. 


The students then used the line plot to graph their monster's measurements.  They even had their own versions of the monsters to spif up their graphs.  

The last bit of our week was spent choosing which unit to select when measuring items.  To help the kids remember which units were customary and which were metric we created an anchor chart. 

Tomorrow is our last day before Spring Break and we are all measured out!  When we get back from break we will move on to measuring capacity.  I have a ton planned for that unit!  Venterniary Nurse to measure in ml, baking a cake, making our own juice, and the list goes on and on.  Can't wait to share with you all! 

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why is the Blue Dog Blue?

This week in art my students paid tribute to a famous Louisiana artist, George Rodrigue.  Since we are from Louisiana our 3rd grade social studies curriculum focuses on our culture.  I love living in Louisiana.  I love our food, the architecture, the hunting and fishing, and so much more.  One of my favorite things about living here is being close to New Orleans.  For me, it is a beautiful city to visit.  I love seeing the various artists in the French Quarter.  Over the Christmas break I had the pleasure of bringing my two sister-in-laws down there for a visit.  They had never been before and its a city you have to see.
                                                                                 Here we are strolling through the French Quarter.                                                     
 This is my little one being silly and sporting her Mardi Gras mask. 
 What would we be with Alligators and Swamp People?
 The architecture is beautiful in the city. 

 My favorite moment was when my daughter and husband spent time throwing money in the fountain.  She likes to make wishes. 

 This is my other sister-in-law enjoying the art of Mardi Gras. 

Every time I go into the city I have to stop by George Rodrigue's studio to catch a glimpse of The Blue Dog.   If I could pack up all of my 3rd grades and take them to the city I would.  But for now they will have to settle with making their own Blue Dogs.

I started the lesson by showing them videos and examples from George Rodrigue's website .
Then we drew our dogs in pencil.  Next the students painted their dogs starting with the light color.  Then we added the white and black details.  Next, we add the shadow with the dark shade and finished him off with oil pastels.  This was a fun project that the kids really enjoyed.  

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